Free The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe
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Book Details :
Published on: 2006-04-13
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Original language: English
Between 1450 and 1750 thousands of people, most of them women, were accused, prosecuted and executed for the crime of witchcraft. The witch-hunt was not a single event; it comprised thousands of individual prosecutions, each shaped by the religious and social dimensions of the particular area as well as political and legal factors. Brian Levack sorts through the proliferation of theories to provide a coherent introduction to the subject, as well as contributing to the scholarly debate. The book: Examines why witchcraft prosecutions took place, how many trials and victims there were, and why witch-hunting eventually came to an end. Explores the beliefs of both educated and illiterate people regarding witchcraft. Uses regional and local studies to give a more detailed analysis of the chronological and geographical distribution of witch-trials. Emphasises the legal context of witchcraft prosecutions. Illuminates the social, economic and political history of early modern Europe, and in particular the position of women within it. In this fully updated third edition of his exceptional study, Levack incorporates the vast amount of literature that has emerged since the last edition. He substantially extends his consideration of the decline of the witch-hunt and goes further in his exploration of witch-hunting after the trials, especially in contemporary Africa. New illustrations vividly depict beliefs about witchcraft in early modern Europe. The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe by Brian P. Levack ... The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe has 288 ratings and 23 reviews. ... Includes a final chapter on modern phenomena that parallel the Witch-Hunt ... The Witch-hunt in Early Modern Europe - Brian P. Levack ... The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe by Brian Levack (1995) Read full review. Contents. Introduction . 1: The Intellectual Foundations . 27: The Legal Foundations ... Witch-hunt - Wikipedia The witch hunt in early modern Europe Third Edition. London and New York: Longman 2006. Macfarlane Alan. : The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe ... The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe 3rd Edition. ... the essential starting point for the study of early modern witch-beliefs and witchcraft trials. ... Witch Hunt In Early Modern Europe: Brian P Levack: Trade ... Witch Hunt In Early Modern Europe by Brian P ... The witch-hunt was ... Scotland and the Union 1603-1707 (1987) and The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe ... Witch trials in the early modern period - Wikipedia In Early Modern Europe ... "Recent Developments in the Study of the Great European Witch Hunt". The Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies 5. ... The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe. A Routledge Companion Website. Taylor and Francis Group is part of the Academic Publishing Division of Informa PLC. Informa PLC; The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe: 4th Edition ... The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe ... single-volume introduction to the early modern European witch-hunt. ... to you on your invoice or in ... The Witch-hunt in Early Modern Europe - Brian P. Levack ... Review: The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe User Review - Alexis - Goodreads. The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe by Brian Levack (1995) Read full review Early Modern Period - History of Witchcraft - Witchcraft History of Witchcraft - Early Modern ... it was during the Early Modern period that the witch hunt in Europe began in earnest beginning with the early witch trials ...
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